Uninstall office 365 windows 10
Uninstall office 365 windows 10

uninstall office 365 windows 10

  • After that, the uninstaller process will run, and as usual, if there is a Microsoft Office application that is currently open, you will be instructed to save the data first, besides that any documents that you have edited will also not be removed, because only the application is uninstalled, so this step is safe.
  • uninstall office 365 windows 10

  • In the next step, you can select the version of Microsoft Office that you want to uninstall, for example, Microsoft Office 365 Professional Plus, and then click Next.
  • uninstall office 365 windows 10

    Now you have to Agree to the License Agreement and so on.Next, double click on its exe file and install Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant tool as usual on your Windows 11 system.First of all, you need to download Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant tool.

    Uninstall office 365 windows 10